Dog Naps: Stinky
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
This photo, from my too-cute friend Fiesty, was sent with this title: "Post-dog nap." This is her characteristic Feisty face, but it makes me think that maybe dog naps are smelly.
This photo, from my too-cute friend Fiesty, was sent with this title: "Post-dog nap." This is her characteristic Feisty face, but it makes me think that maybe dog naps are smelly.
Houston has a lot of humidity. This has positive and negative effects. Positive: my skin feels great here. Negative: hair responds to humidity like little kids to massive amounts of chocolate.
Let's take a gander at one of the muses of this blog. Here we have her morning hair with humidity.
I like this camping hair. Also the ode to Michael Jackson with the one (albeit knitted) glove.
You know it's bad when you look at yourself with this expression of loathing. Or maybe it's just confusion?
This photo proves that those feather extensions don't always look so lovely. In fact, on the right morning, they might have the effect of making you look like you just got into a girl fight outside the cafeteria.
This hair is a little too subtle from only one angle. Lucky us! We get three.
I'm in Colorado for the WFTDA Roller Derby Championship and it's been amazing. The altitude here has a strange effect on hair, as seen here.
Nothing. I was accused of not liking it since it got lost in the shuffle and never made it onto the blog. (Really, it's because I was sent a text in the morning before coffee. That's my guess.) There is so much RIGHT with this photo, there's no way I'd exclude it on purpose. The hair! The face! The green phone! The face!
But it's the HOLDING that matters. I'd like to think that the altitude in Colorado has something to do with this height.
I was in a hurry, so I blow-dried my hair upside down. I'm not sure what I thought the result would be, but not this mushroom-y, bride of Frankenstein mess. This is why I own a chi!
This hair looks really cool. And unsafe. Because, um, is this car moving while the driver is looking away from the road AND taking a picture?
I think Kinicki would have me as a friend. Or be really jealous.
I love when people send photos with comments that I can use. This is self-proclaimed Sideshow Bob hair. (I think my husband will be really proud that I know who that is.)
This hair is so romantic and ethereal. Save the anachronism in form of an iPhone, this would be great Morning Hair from another century. I thought about calling this post "Period Hair," but then decided that might indicate, um, another kind of period.
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