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Have some bad hair?  I don't care if it's Morning Hair, Helmet Hair, Nap Hair, Salon Hair, Pool Hair--so long as it's awesomely bad.  If you don't want to share your Morning Face, take the photo in the mirror with the phone or camera covering it up.  I welcome Repeat Offenders.

Any photo submitted must have the consent of the person(s) in the photo and the person(s) must be over the age of 18.

If you would like your name in lights, I will include a first name and last initial (or your derby name if you are affiliated with roller derby).  I will NOT include a name unless you ask.

Please do not despair if your Morning Hair doesn't make it, or takes a while to appear.  I am so thankful for all your submissions!  This site would not be possible without them.

mybestmorninghair at gmail dot com


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